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The Pupil Premium was introduced in April 2011 and is additional funding that the government gives to schools for each pupil on roll where they are deemed to be disadvantaged. The money must be spent on that pupil to support their education, but it is for the school to determine how it is spent. The Department of Education website is a good source of additional information:
Poverty or low income is the single most important factor in predicting a child’s future life chances, with many pupils having low attainment by the time they leave school at age 16. The Government believes that the Pupil Premium is the best way to address these underlying inequalities between children eligible for free school meals (FSM) and their peers by ensuring that funding to tackle disadvantage reaches the pupils who need it most.
Pupil Premium is allocated to pupils in school year groups from Reception to Year 11 from low income families who are registered for FSM, or who have been registered for FSM at any point in the last six years (known as ‘Ever 6’), together with children that have been in care continuously for 6 months or more.
The Service Premium grant is for pupils who have a parent serving in the armed services. Unlike the Pupil Premium, this grant is not solely for raising attainment but for providing additional (mainly pastoral) support.
Pupils with a parent currently serving in the armed services and supporting their family, pupils who have a parent who died in action and those whose parents have left the service since April 2011 for other reasons, including injury. To be eligible, the parent must be supporting their family, so where they are separated or divorced a pupil will not be eligible.
Parents must apply for free school meals via the County Council or their child’ school, this is a quick and simple process. Telephone with your National Insurance Number, date of birth, name and child’s details and an eligibility check can be carried out using the Department for Education’s Eligibility Checking System, this will confirm if details have been matched or not. It will not tell us what benefits you are in receipt of, dates when a benefit was awarded or say how much you receive. Confirmation will be sent to you and the school within 5-10 working days.
Pupils do not have to take up their entitlement to a free meal but Local Authorities and schools recommend that they do. The government is made aware of each pupil claiming FSMs each term via the school census so they have up-to-date information on those eligible.
The Pupil Premium for the financial year 2012-13 was £623, it increased to £900 for the 2013-14 financial year, and will increase to £1,300 for 2014/15. The Service Premium was £250 and is now £300 This is significant additional money for schools to spend on supporting disadvantaged pupils and schools are very keen to ensure that all eligible pupils are ‘signed up’. Grants are based on those pupils included in the January schools’ census.
Schools must spend the grant for the educational benefit of their eligible pupils. The grant can be spent on services that benefit pupils at the school or their families, in the locality in which the school is situated. Pupil Premium grants can be carried forward to the next financial year if all the money is not spent in the year in which it is allocated.
Local authorities are responsible for passing on the Pupil or Service Premium to maintained schools and for managing its distribution in respect of ‘Looked After’ children. The Education Funding Agency, not the local authority, allocates the grant to Academy Schools but the eligibility criteria is exactly the same. However, neither organisation is responsible for how schools spend the Pupil Premium, except for pupils in care, where the Local Authority has responsibility for their wellbeing.
Schools will need to monitor the impact of their selected approaches to improve provision for pupils entitled to the Pupil or Service Premium. The Pupil and Service Premium is not ring-fenced and schools are free to spend it as they wish to improve pupils’ attainment. Parents should be aware that school staff are bound by ‘confidentiality rules’ on all matters pertinent to pupils’ educational needs, their care and health needs and their wellbeing.
The Ofsted Inspection Framework ensures that their inspectors focus on the attainment of vulnerable pupils and in particular those who attract the Pupil and Service Premium. They have published a series of reports about how the pupil premium can be spent, these can be found on their website at:
The Department for Education’s performance tables detail the achievement of those pupils entitled to FSM and the Pupil Premium Grant(s). Individual pupils will never be identified through published information, this will only relate to groups of pupils, and in small schools numbers may not be published. Individual school information can be found on the Department for Education’s website at:
Contact the school administrator if you would like to find out more about registering your child for free school meals. This information will be held confidentially by the school. The administrator should also be able to direct you to any reports the school has produced relating to the use of the pupil premium. The head teacher or the Chair of the governing body on behalf of the governors can offer further information to those parents enquiring about the use of the Pupil Premium.
At Redlands Community Primary School we have looked very carefully at how we can spend the pupil premium funding to ensure positive outcomes. We have looked at the needs for individual pupils and how we can meet those needs. We have a full time family support worker whose remit is working with children and families who may require additional support from ourselves and also outside agencies. We have a learning support assistant whose only focus is working with pupil premium pupils and monitoring their progress. The school offers funding support for extra-curricular sports clubs, music lessons and school trips and residentials. We are very pleased that we can demonstrate a trend of ‘narrowing the gap’ between the rates of progress of pupils receiving the pupil premium pupils are their peers.
Irrespective of ability, we recognise the importance of ensuring this funding is specifically used for FSM and ‘looked after’ children at Redlands Community Primary School and we continually strive to see improvement and the ‘gap narrowed’.
Our assessment of the quality of this provision will be based on continual monitoring and regular progress meetings with the teachers of the small groups.
From 1st September 2013, all pupils eligible for Pupil Premium (i.e. FSM pupils, those who have been FSM pupils in the past 6 years, children in care and pupils who have parents in the Armed Forces) will be allocated £900 to the school per year.
For more information, please download our Pupil Premium Policy, via the button below:
The government is providing funding of £320 million per annum for the academic years 2020/21 to provide new and substantial primary school sport funding. The funding is being jointly provided by the Departments for Education, Health and Culture, Media and Sport, and will see money going directly to primary school Headteachers to spend on improving the quality of sport and PE for all their children. Each school will receive funding based on the school roll – here at Sileby Redlands that will mean £10,000 solely for developing the quality of Physical education in school. The money can only be spent on sport and PE provision in schools.
Our school will have the opportunity to spend the sport funding on improving their provision of PE and sport, our aim is to create a legacy for our school for future years in increasing participation and the quality of Physical Education within school.
At Redlands our primary aims for this money are to:
The governors and staff agree that the money must be used so that ALL children benefit regardless of their sporting ability. It’s important this funding opportunity is used appropriately so that when it ends, we have a legacy that can continue for future years. Our school places a high priority on our PE provision and, as such, have invested in additional staffing/coaching and resources to further enhance the curriculum PE and extra – curricular sports during lunchtime and after schools.
The school believes that physical education plays a vital role in contributing to a child’s physical and emotional development and well-being.
We aim to provide as many sporting opportunities as we can for all our pupils within the curriculum, extra-curricular activities and competitions. Presently we offer thirteen different sports clubs within the school which include – netball, football, rugby, basketball, multi- skills, fun and fitness, cross country, cricket, athletics, rounders, baseball.
The school offers swimming lessons for all children in Years 4 and 5. Children swim for 1 hour each week over the course of a term. Based on Key Stage 2 data and assessment carried out, 75% of our children leave school having achieved the statutory requirement (confidently swimming a distance of 25m in recognized stroke and to perform self rescue).
This funding will enable the school to build on the quality of PE and sports provision throughout the school. Also it will enable us to provide additional sporting opportunities for the children both in the curriculum and in extra-curricular activities and competitions.
Our long term vision is to develop a Discover Schools Sports Programme. The programme would see a wide range of sports and events being delivered so that all children and young people would have access to them. In order to do this a ‘sports manager’ would be appointed to manage, operate and deliver much of the programme. Specialist coaches would work across the cluster of schools in curriculum and after-school time. By pooling a percentage of the funding across the Discovery schools a strong, sustainable sports partnership would be developed.
For a break down of the grants awarded and how they will be spent, please download the following PDF:
For evidence showing how Sports Premium Funding was spent in previous years, please download the following PDFs:
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